Manakara, Madagascar  - 2015 - DWIGHT O. CAMPBELL 


Dwight Campbell was born in Saint Andrew Jamaica in 1981, the son of a hardware salesman and a newspaper editor.

His family migrated to the United States of America in pursuit of a better life when he was eleven years old. After graduating high school Campbell found himself at a loose end when his mother, who had noticed his keen interest in the arts, encouraged him to consider a career in the field. He would eventually go on to train at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, and later Full Sail University to satisfy a developing interest in film. After completing his studies, Campbell progressed from a production assistant at Turner Studios to a known fixture in the camera department working with some of  world's best camera technicians and cinematographers on many Hollywood blockbusters.

Always mindful of the framing of subjects and their stories - literally and figuratively - Campbell’s interest in documentary photography grew when he embarked on a journey through central Europe, the Middle East, and within Africa. With doors opening to tales outside his comfort zone, he gained purpose to add global commentary to his work. As such, the images that Campbell produces are only a component of his storytelling, as he ensures he collects messages from within the places he captures. He calls this a collaboration between him and the people, and an exchange between subjects and viewers that opens up opportunities for education and change.

Campbell’s Letters from Madagascar was selected to show at a private event at Gallery 151 New York (2015). In 2017 Facet Gallery Atlanta will host its first ever public viewing.

Campbell lives and works between the US and South Africa, continually in a state of exploration and storytelling.